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국외뉴스 International News

No 제목 등록일
10 BIM Webinar 2008-12-17
9 Smart Market BIM 보고서 2008-12-05
8 BIM Journal(JBIM)의 2008년 가을호 출간 2008-11-17
7 BIM Applications Workshop - September 15, 2008 2008-09-15
6 BIM Storms coming SOON! Sign-up Deadline Sep 5th for Alexandria and Sep 12th for Tshwane! 2008-09-03
5 Extension of Review Deadline - AECOO-1: Draft Building Performance/Energy Analysis IDM for Review and Comment 2008-08-29
4 미국 정부중심으로 일어나고 있는 최신 현황. 2008-08-29
3 ICCCBE-XII & INCITE 2008 in Beijing. Oct 16-18, 2008 2008-08-20
2 buildingSMART International, brief information about some ongoing activities 2008-08-18
1 BIM Workshop live on the Internet September 15th 2008 2008-08-16