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No.2200 On-demand Webinar: Accelerating the Virtual Reality Workflow through openBIM with Vrex and BricsCAD
등록일 2022-08-16
조회수 954

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On-demand Webinar: Accelerating the Virtual Reality Workflow through openBIM with Vrex and BricsCAD

Thank you for your interest in this buildingSMART Webinar. I am pleased to let you know the recording is now available along with the presentation slides.


The session explored how this new collaboration between BricsCAD BIM and Vrex improves the model exchange workflow, enabling users to create detailed models in BricsCAD BIM and export to the Vrex Virtual Reality (VR) platform with minimal effort.


This enhanced workflow enables architecture, engineering, construction, and operations companies to streamline collaboration between the multiple stakeholders working together on a project in a VR environment.

If you would like to know more about Vrex, you can sign up for a free trial or live demo at https://www.vrex.no/signup/


Learn more about BricsCAD and start your free 30 day trial at Bricsys | CAD, BIM & collaboration software


RubenDecuypere Headshot-1
Chris Keyack

Ruben Decuypere 

 BricsCAD BIM Product Owner, Bricsys


Rune Vandli

 Founder and Product Officer, Vrex 

Chris Keyack

 Senior Implementation Consultant, Vrex 

buildingSMART International, Kings House, Station Road, Kings Langley, London WD4 8LZ, United Kingdom


