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국외뉴스 International News

No.1809 bSI Standards Summit Dusseldorf 개최 결과
등록일 2019-04-25
조회수 1495

The buildingSMART International Standards Summit and German User Day Exceeds 1,000 Attendees


The buildingSMART International Standards Summit and German User day saw new attendance records as the built asset industry came together to develop new standards and solutions.

buildingSMART International (bSI), the industry body that leads the development of open digital information workflows across the built asset environment and buildingSMART Deutschland, the host chapter, successfully delivered the International Standards Summit in Düsseldorf, Germany 25-29thMarch 2019. This Summit saw a record attendance of over 1,000, from over 30 countries across the broad program that included the German User day. The theme of the event was “Digital Transformation” with industry-leading keynotes and thought-leaders discussing the impact of digital technologies and disrupters affecting the industry.

The buildingSMART International Standards Summit is a bi-annual event that moves around the globe to help teams connect and collaborate on projects, standards and technical solutions. A local chapter is tasked with hosting the summit in conjunction with bSI in order to engage with local communities and markets. Over the last few years, summits have been a feature and focal point for the work done through “Rooms” that address specific asset types. These have provided the bedrock for standards development and the growth and engagement for the community. The conclusion from the latest summit was that it was a success. buildingSMART International Chief Executive, Richard Petrie said “the latest summit in Düsseldorf was the culmination of continued growth and engagement in our industry. We welcomed new faces, others well-known to us and ran new exciting programs such as roundtables, workshops and an international side program that gave the event new dimensions. I was thrilled with the concept and delivery”.

There was a first viewing of an “IFC Rail” conceptual model. This fantastic occasion comes after many months of strategic delivery, collaboration and investment for this project.  Using the proverbial “IFC” brand and buildingSMART community engagement, this comes as a welcome result and was heralded by buildingSMART Chairman, Patrick MacLeamy as “the most spectacular project in buildingSMART today”.  Other highlights include a variety of keynote speakers, spanning a range of topics focusing on the central theme of “Digital Transformation”. There were new announcements including the intention to create new working rooms to deal with growing demand and acknowledgement that buildingSMART has delivered huge benefit to many countries and organizations by offering open standards and collaborative methods of working.

For the community, this marks welcome acknowledgement and recognition for the great work done over the last few years. The clear message was that this industry needs to continue to work together to deliver more. It is also obviously an exciting time to be involved with buildingSMART with a bright future ahead.

좀더 자세한 내용은 다음의 링크를 참조 바랍니다. 


German user day의 자세한 내용은 다음의 링크를 참조 바랍니다. 



