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No.1787 The buildingSMART International openBIM Awards program is Open!
등록일 2019-02-18
조회수 1454

The buildingSMART International openBIM Awards program is Open!

The buildingSMART International openBIM Awards is now open. Submit your project for a chance to win this prestigious award. Submission registrations will be accepted until April 12, 2019, with all supporting documentation to be completed by April 30th, 2019. The competition is open to anyone around the world, with no requirement to be a member.

The mandate of the awards is to recognize openBIM in two main categories: industry projects (design, construction or operations phases) and research projects (professional or student). Three (3) finalists for each award will be invited to present their projects at the International Standards Summit in Beijing, China (October 29–November 1, 2019)

 ‘It’s an opportunity for companies to showcase their application of buildingSMART open standard solutions to current challenges of interoperability faced during collaborative project delivery or asset operations.’

Richard Petrie, Chief Executive


Submissions must demonstrate the use of one or more buildingSMART tools or standards. The jury will be looking for the most advanced and innovative use of openBIM by showcasing interoperability, collaboration and use of tools and standards. The jury will also look for recommendations for future openBIM development.

The jury is composed of representatives from each of the buildingSMART chapters.


Visit the website for more information about the process, including our Frequently Asked Questions.



Submission Deadlines

12 April 2019Submission registrations

30 April 2019Supporting documentation submission

The award was given for the first time at the international summit in Toronto, Canada during the October 2014 Summit. See past winners here.


For all inquiries, please contact awards@buildingsmart.org
