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국외뉴스 International News

No.1468 2009년 9월 10일, 11일 호주에서 buildingSMART National Conference 발표자료
등록일 2010-03-18
조회수 1124

National Industry Conference 10-11 Sep 2009

Day 1: Setting the Scene

10:30-11:00 Introduction - an overview of openBIM activities around?the?world and locally

11:00-11:40 Experiences in object based planning of Swedish projects
(Marko Granroth Design Team Leader,HVAC&R, SWECO Systems AB,Stockholm)?

11:40-12:20 BIM and Health Facility Design
(Philip Parker Director, Hames Sharley, Perth?)

12:20-13:00 National BIM Guidelines Project
(Scott Beazley Wollongong TAFE & Peter Scuderi, COO,CRC for Construction Innovation, Brisbane)

14:00-14:30 Exchanging a model for analysis

14:30-15:10 LCADesign - Optimising environmental impacts at the design stage
(Murray Jones, Principal, Ecquate,Sydney)

15:40-16:30 Estimating from BIM
(Matthew Brown, Senior Estimator,QDPW, ProjectServices, Brisbane)

16:30-17:20 Understanding What's Critical in 4d
(Matthew Boot, Global Head of Planning &Scheduling, Bovis Lend Lease, Sydney)

Day 2: Extending the Vision

08:30-09:10 Urban Modelling: BIM, GIS...
(Jack Barton, Research Fellow, & Jim Plume, Head of School, FBE, UNSW, Kensington)

09:10-09:50? Design Collaboration

09:50-10:30? The Base Project
(Bruce Walker, Project CAD Leader Ignite, Auckland)

11:00-11:40 Electronic Quick Bill of Quantities: EQBQ
(Evelyn Teo, National University of Singapore, Singapore)

11:40-12:20?BIM competency: from implementation to assessment
(Bilal Succar, Principal, Change Agents AEC, Melbourne)

13:10-13:50 BIM & Engineering at Aurecon
(Jennifer Macdonald, Structural Engineer, Adelaide & Robert Angas, Executive, Aurecon, Sydney)

13:50-14:30 Migating Emissions
(PC Thomas, Principal, Team Catalyst, Sydney & Justin Wong, PhD Candidate, FBE, UNSW Sydney)

14:30-15:10 Objects of Power
(Jon Anderson, Principal, Hive Engineering, Melbourne?)

